April 25th, 2022
January 20th, 2022
Hello Bears!
On behalf of the Student Senate team, we hope that you have all had a great start to your semester, and that you are all staying safe and healthy on campus! Over the course of the past two weeks, it has been brought to our attention that there are increasing concerns regarding the rise of cases, UNC’s mask mandate and classroom accessibility. UNC Students should not experience an interruption in their educational instruction due to quarantine or other COVID-19 complications.
There is a need to provide accessible teaching practices to ensure Students are receiving the material and information to be successful students. These teaching practices can include, but are not limited to using Zoom, Panopto, PearDeck, or other assistive technology to record lectures. The need for these alternative options is to accommodate students who are sick, in quarantine, or facing unexpected life emergencies.
The Student Senate is actively working on and hopes to see progress within the coming weeks. The Student Senate is involved in ongoing conversations with Professional and Administrative Staff at the University. We do call on more Student Voice involvement. You can share your voice with We also call on the administration to include more Student Voice in the decisions being made that create an impact on Students at the University.
The Student Senate stands with Students in their desire to have accessibility to educational resources. We call on the Administration to execute a plan to fulfill Student needs.
The Student Senate meets weekly on Wednesdays, at 5:30 PM, via Zoom. The link to the Zoom can be found on the Student Senate website.
Sko Bears!
The Student Senate
2021 – 2022